How to Create a CV for a Career Change?

Business Plan

Knowing how to properly manage the image conveyed by your CV is essential. A career change does not necessarily mean starting from scratch. But you must know how to select the information that proves your competence in this new profession. You absolutely have to show yourself in your best light and combat prejudice.

Showcase your Skills in a New Setting

After several years in the same position, it can be difficult to get your new career choice accepted in a CV, which should highlight your skills in a different setting. When writing this document, it does not matter why you want to change your professional path. Your challenge is to learn to showcase your skills in a new setting. At each step of your decision-making process, ask yourself how you are going to be able to make the connection between your future and your past experiences. Regardless of your age, if you cannot find a way to use your current knowledge, you will find yourself in a beginner’s position against younger, more qualified, and less expensive candidates. So be as convincing as possible! And as far as the presentation is concerned, you can choose an online CV example career change.

How to Make a Successful Career Change on your CV?

Make up for your lack of experience by showing that some of your skills can be used in the target industry and by explaining how these skills can be beneficial to the company. This is common in cover letters, but it can also be applied to CVs, right from the goal statement. Write a CV that shows your adaptability, your motivation, your analytical skills and your main achievements. Relegate any professional experience unrelated to your new target in a new section called “Additional experiences” at the end of your CV.

Focus your CV on Skills that Can Be Transferred from one Profession to Another

The key to getting a job is your skills. As introspection is easier in a group than alone, you can sign up for a career planning workshop. The dynamics are the same as in a fitness support group. In other words, instead of asking how many pounds you have lost, you will be asked how many skills you have found. Plan to devote at least 20 hours over the next several weeks to discovering your transferable skills. None the less, it may be necessary to develop new skills, especially in IT, or to train for new aspects of your job.